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Writer's pictureLidice Megla Poetry

Félix Anesio Traducido por Lidice Megla

Updated: Jun 4, 2020


A Osmán Avilés

Marchan por la Calle Obispo

bajo el látigo inclemente del verano.

Tras las raídas sotanas se vislumbra

el sexo de los hombres

que deben consagrarse al pudor, la castidad y la doctrina.

Las rústicas sandalias rozan los adoquines.

Como una impúdica plegaria se eleva el olor

de las axilas en el aire

envolviendo las aceras y las plazas.

Un jovencito imberbe y una niña los observan;

una beata, tras su velo, hace una extraña mueca y se


mientras el dulce canto gregoriano hechiza a cada


Todos detienen su juego, su ocio o su quehacer

para verlos pasar.

De dos en dos, los seminaristas, se pierden por la Calle


Tuercen la esquina y se adentran por la oscura puerta del


erguidos y austeros, cargando sobre su pecho tan pesada


Aún nos puede llenar de turbación la imagen que recuerdo.

The Seminarians

To Osmán Avilés

March across Obispo Street

under the inclement whip of summer,

behind the ragged cassocks loom

the sex of men

who give themselves to Modesty, Chastity, and Doctrine.

Rustic sandals graze the cobblestones.

Like an impudent prayer,

the smell of armpit rises under the sun,

surrounding sidewalks and squares

A beardless youth, and a girl observe them.

Some holy woman, behind her veil, strangely grins,

making the sign of the cross,

while the sweet Gregorian chant bewilders

each passerby.

All stay playing, idling and chore

to see them pass.

In twos, the seminarians disappear along Obispo Street.

Turning towards the corner, they enter the dark doors of the


tall, and austere, carrying upon their chests such heavy


The image still fills with trepidation the memory.

© Félix Anesio

Translated by ©Lidice Megla

Félix Anesio. Guantánamo, 1950. Narrator and poet with 5 published books. He appears in several anthologies in Cuba, the US and Spain, as well as, in important magazines such as, Linden Lane Magazine, Nagari, Conexos, Otro Lunes, Crear en Salamanca , among others. He is the winner of two, Carmen Luisa Pinto prizes in the categories of narrative and poetry, he received a mention in Pluma de Plata ( Silver Pen) by Entre Líneas publishing house. He won the Florida Book Award (2019) and participated in the Miami Book Fair 2016 & 2018.

Currently, Anesio works on another book of poems. He resides in the city of Miami. Fl. US.

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