Imprecise Dirge
My animals await you with the same thirst.
You enter into the night as if a mirror,
shaking everything off but your smile.
Naked guarding a sun to be eaten.
You disappear,
you know my own neighborhood from moon to sun.
I wake up like a sailboat in the forehead of a prisoner
or the fruit in the air
that knows its destiny.
I wake up,
dark rivers run through the pendulum of the night.
The night looks at me like an eye,
and in its wall the dream fades.
©Juan Carlos Mirabal. From the book, "Rehén de las olas" (Hostage of the Waves)
Translation ©Lidice Megla. May, 2020.

©Juan Carlos Mirabal (Cuba). Poet and Photographer. He appears in various anthologies. A true artist at heart, Mirabal's deep perception of reality traverse through his poetry as much as through his lens to render us spellbound by a plethora of rich metaphoric images and exquisite lyricism. He lives in Miami, Fl. with his beautiful family.
Amiga Lidi, las bellas y grandes amistades no dejan de dar fruto, el misterio de la propia poesía las sostiene y alimenta, he sentido, desde que te conocí, que eras una de esos niños que quise mucho en la infancia y a los que le perdí el rastro después de un cambio de escuela o una mudada, tu espíritu generoso es una inspiración renovadora, un cálido abrazo que hace de toda distancia posible una flor entre las manos, un sonreír mirando al cielo, mi gratitud alegre te acompañe por lo que eres y por tan bello regalo