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About Lidice Megla Poetry

Art for the love of Art/Arte por amor al arte

I was born in Cuba but Canada has been my home since 1999. I could mention here all my degrees and accolades, but this hearth is not to fuel itself from such source. No, it is not about counting tittles and honors here, I do not wish to make it about such shallow pursuits. This is a home for Poetry, a habitat if you will, where Poiesis can live freely, thriving in her own ecosystems...Hence, you are ask to enter with an open mind, shake off tittles and diplomas at the entrance, for as much as, they do prepare us somewhat, they do not constitute who we really are.

 It shall suffice to say that regardless of my education, (which has certainly been too lengthy and varied, for I an extremely curious woman), like many of you reading this words right now,I have studied many different subjects, and reinvented myself many times over throughout my years in Canada and during my life in general.

In any case, here's  all I know, writing is my passion and salvation.

So, following this knowing, shortly after graduating from “Marta Abreu” university in Cuba, I published several materials on Communicative Grammar, Linguistics and Phonetics, but out of my love for Literature, and all its genres,  since my early years as a professor, I collaborated with fellow colleagues creating and developing a series of workshops dedicated to rise the interest and love for Literature in younger generations of readers.
Upon arriving in Canada, I became certified as a translator and interpreter in the Spanish-English pairs and worked as an accredited translator and interpreter for the Refugee Protection Division and Citizenship and Immigration Canada in Vancouver and Edmonton since 2003.

I have published the books Tú la Bestia (2018), Totémica Insular (2019) and Mujer sin Paredes (2020).

Winning first place at the International Poetry contest, “El mundo lleva alas” Editorial, Voces de hoy, 2018. Miami, Florida, and Arte con Palabras, Art Emporium, 2020. USA, certainly came as an unexpected and a rewarding surprise.

The mantra and inspiration for this site is “Art for the love of Art” (arte por amor al arte).

I experience the creative process as an enjoyable challenge; a river into which I am free to flow in unison with those voices that preceded while reaching for those that are yet to sing. Harnessing these echoes, and with this force running through me, I feel armed to channel my life's estro and passion. I put it out there without too many expectations, although, I do have allowed myself one small token: that of the hope, my poems, my own voice may bring some form of joy and enjoyment into the life of many...

© Lidice Megla

Notebook and Pen

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