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Juan Carlos Recio Translated by Lidice Megla

Writer's picture: Lidice Megla PoetryLidice Megla Poetry

Updated: Jul 15, 2020


Those who leave are happier than those who stay.

After, they return to tame us, and

can even enter the family that should've been yours.

Family is for the ones who leave,

those staying only possess discord.


Los que se van son más felices

que los que se quedan,

luego vuelven para domarnos

y hasta pueden entrar a la familia

que nos debiera pertenecer.

La familia es de los que se van,

los que se quedan solo poseen la discordia.

The End as

The Beginning

When you cross any dimension

that is not your own,

it is so, but

in another space

of Time.

As if your soul's

gravity would finally orbit

aligning with what

you are.

Nothing is ever destroyed

that does not return to its origin;

as it was in the beginning and


only God is.

Upon your departure,

one day,

other will come to greet you,

and it shall be as Love,

indestructible, before the impossible

and the forgettable.

Do not assume your reality

to be this you see

for what you see

shall never


the same you live

and that truth

from the senses is

the only life that will never


When you cross the light

you cross what you cannot see,

and if you do see, it

is that which

you are not.

Learn to think

that we are more

what we wanted,

and it is no coincidence;

the only true life

is the one we long for,

so, to avoid disappointing

do not get confused amid

your free will,

but wield your freedom

to dream the beginning

of your departure;

you no longer need functioning

for something that seems to be

a step between the whole that lets

the light in

or the unknown.

At the end

of all endings each genesis

is but the beginning of that

you had previously left,

and the true way of passing is Love,

for only Love is ever repeated

and never-ending

akin its infinitude,

and for this, neither God nor


shall conditioned it.



Cuando cruzas cualquier dimensión


no es tu realidad.

Sí lo es,

en otro espacio

del tiempo

como si la gravedad

en la que

tu alma orbita

finalmente acopla

a lo que eres.

Nada se destruye

todo vuelve a su origen

en el principio y siempre

solamente es Dios.

Y si un día partes

la otra persona regresa

a tu encuentro,

y es como el amor


ante lo imposible

o el olvido.

No asumas

toda tu realidad

como la ves

esto que ves



lo mismo que vives

y esa verdad,

desde los sentidos

es la única vida

que jamás perece.

Cuando atraviesas

la luz

atraviesas lo que no ves

y si lo ves

es aquello

que no eres.

Aprende a pensar

que somos más

lo que quisimos

y no es casualidad,

la única vida verdadera

es la que añoramos

y para no desencantar

no confundas

tu libre albedrío

usa mejor tu libertad

para que sueñes

con lo que será

el principio

de tu partida;

cuando ya no necesitas

estar funcionando

con algo que

es como un paso

entre ese agujero

que filtra la luz

o lo desconocido.

Al final,

de todos los finales, toda génesis

es el comienzo de algo

que ya habías dejado

y la manera de pasar

es el amor

porque es lo único

que se repite

y lo único que nunca


por su infinitud

que tampoco

lo condicionan

ni Dios ni nadie.

©Juan Carlos Recio.

Translation Lidice Megla

Del libro La Pasión del ignorante. Ediciones hoy no he visto el paraíso 2011.

From the book "The Ignorant's Passion" . " Today, I have not seen Paradise Editions, 2011.

Juan Carlos Recio, Cuba, 1968. Poet, author, and active promoter of the arts in his virtual library, "Sentado en el Aire" (Sitting on Air"), where he features authors from the diaspora. His poems appear in literary magazines and anthologies. Recio is a poet with a profound vision and a unique voice that he willingly commits to his time. Among his published works figure "Para matarlos a todos" (To kill them All) and "The Ignorant's Passion /La pasión del ignorante, to which the poems herein belong.

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